File Archive

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File size:
40 668 bytes (39.71K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 404


                                 .        .    
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      CoNtRa wHq · -tW|sTeD- gHq · g^sTyLe eHq · hOnEY gHq · sAd gHq
                      EpSiLoN dEsIgN gHq · wHaLe gHq 
 sYsOp:H2o!/c!/sAd!/hNy!/g^S! - sTaFF:ExOcEt/aL!,sCaRfAcE/oS!,bLaCk pAnThEr
:                                                                          :
¦ :__            .___ .____.   _.__  .    .____._________              __: ¦
|__ /_____  ____ |  /_|_  /|   /|- ' |    |_  /|   /|   / ____   ______\ __|
: /______(C!)__( `   (`  / ¯\_/ ¯\__\¯\__\`  / `  / ¯\_/  )__(sYz)_______\ :

                               __  ._   __
                               (__ | ) (_/__
    _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
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l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
      \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                    ·      ····
                         p  a  l  a  c  e
                        *  TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                            * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                         * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                              *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                          tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn

                          <0> +45-3961ASK RD  <0>
                .___________ _|_ ______________________________.
                |             |                                |
                :   bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE   |
  . _______ __ _|_ ____             ______           ________  :      _____
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|               .    \_____|                            \______|             |
|                                                              :             |
|       tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE      |
|              dREAMCHARTS, dEViOUS dEZiGNS & dATA dIVISION dHQ!             |
|            -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ!             |
|                                                                            |
|                                 mASTERS aRE:                               |
|     -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·aPOLLO·aSTRO·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·-     |
|                                                                            |
|        rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4ooo wITH a cYBERSTORM o6o/5o mHZ/22 mB!        |
|     2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP!    |
|                                                                            |
|   +31-(o)-548-54O-653   +31-(o)-548-521-716/521-848        +tEL-NET        |
|     -·>16k8 dUAL<·-          -·>28k8 dUALS!<·-        23:30-06:00 gMT +1   |
|                                                                            |
l_________._ _                                                  _ _._________|
 ________ |   -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·-   | ________
|________||                                                        ||________|
          :        uPLOADEd bY SABOTEUR/AFL     oN nODE #04        :
          .   tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 18:27:52 , 03-06-1996   .

Dear Friends of Ascii,

It is with pain in my fingers I have to say what some of you
might have expected a long time ago.

There comes a time where one must deside wether you want to
continue walking down the usual road or turn left. Or right.
Sometimes it's easy to choose, but sometimes it is hard. To
me, the choise I had to do today was hard.

Since English isn't my mainlanguage, it's kinda hard to really
express my feelings today but I feel forced to to it, I feel that
I owe it to you all..

I'm going to leave the ascii-scene!

There, now it's said and official. It is not easy to take such a
desicion, but now it's done. The reason to this desicion may remain
unknown since neither of you dont have to know everything!

But mainly it's about money! It takes several SEK (Swedish Crowns)
to uphold ones name in scene, It also takes time to download others
collections to see how people developes new styles.

So now it's over. If you have to contact me, the only way is to
mail me. The address is written below. But don't cry, maybe there will
come a time when I buy myself another modem and start all over again.
One never know.

People, take care out there.....  I'm going to miss you all...

Signed: [c-rEAL!] / Pioneer Design, Nine Design, Elements

                              Final Messages!

Fatal / Epsilon Design.. Do continue to serve the ascii-scene with
                         your great BBS..Take care my friend.. good luck

Tommy / Epsilon Design...  You must admit that it didn't start
                           of that good. But things changed and
                           I'm grateful to that. And somehow I
                           wouldn't be surprised if I return
                           to the scene one year from now and
                           still can order logos from you.
                           Take care my friend.... good luck

Sonic / Osiris... Well dude, I do hope that everything turns
                  out well for both you and your BBS. I'll
                  probably call and scream at your system
                  be well..

Xtc / Warberger... So you didnt get yourself killed the other weekend?
                   Too bad, I could have needed the PC:) We'll keep
                   in touch.....

Xcluziwe / Save Our Souls... The guru himself, thanks for all support
                             during my time in scene. Do hope that
                             you continue making the scene worth its name!
                             Take care my friend.... good luck

Randy / Save our Souls..  You are a great guy Randy.. You joined p^d in
                          the beginning when I was to abandon the whole
                          idea. Thanks mate, thanks..

Recall / Unique Arts.. Thought you were stupid to abandon Skyline. Know
                       I know that it probably wasn't that easy for you
                       either. Well, I'll hear from you someday..

Dino / Divine Stylers..  Actually I dont know you at all. But I do love
                         your produced stuff. Continue doing those logos
                         and you might even be as good as I am:) Good luck

Trivial / Divine Stylers.. Well Kimsan, I wouldn't be surprised if you
                           call me up one day telling me you want to
                           take my girlfriend:) Rave on t^...

Vietcong / Divine Stylers.. Sorry if the logos I gave you was shit. I'll
                            make it up to you one day...

Topflight.. Tja, vi lär väl höras genom kdx om jag inte tror helt fel

Booth / Ultimo Imperio.. You are on the right way dude.. I'll probably
                         hear from you in the future

Strauss / Pioneer Design.. This is written only two hours after our
                           telephonecall. Strange eh.. Well, I explain
                           all to you later. From know on, YOU are the
                           official leader of p^d. Good luck, I know
                           that you can do it!

All guestartists.. Thak you all for providing us in p^d with great
                   logos. Don't stop!

All sysops.. Don't delete my account! I may need them in the future!

All Pioneer Design-members.. Thank you for your belief and you support!
                             Do notice that the group will continue to
                             exist. The leadership is know in the hands
                             of Strauss. He can easiest be found at
                             Another Step or The Yenchhouse

All Nine Design-members.. Good luck in the future dudes. Enhaced, I
                          mail you next week..

All Elements-members.. Enjoy you militaryservice. We'll hear from eachother

All sceners and leftovers..  I love you all, I might be back. I'll continue as
                             a inactive member of all my groups as long as
                             they do not kick me out!

            c  u  r  r  e  n  t    m  e  m  b  e  r  l  i  s  t

                            (updated 96.03.04)

               ____      ¦ __             __ _________  __¦______  ___________
 _____.----.---\  /---.---/  \---.-------/  |   _____/ |   _____/ |    __    /
|     ¦    |    \/    |   \__/   |      /   |  ______)-|  ______)-|     /  _/
          a s c i i      ¦   a n s i             g r a p h¦i c s
                         ¦                                ¦
        ( [c-real!]. crL )   zeus II..... zII    who?.. who
          strauss... st^ ¦   grim ripper. gR              ¦
          anthrax... at© ¦                                ¦
          tix....... tix ¦                                ¦
          flare..... fL  ¦                                ¦
                         ¦                                ¦
           s y s o p s   ¦                              t r a d e r s
                         ¦                                ¦
      hQ   kidnix.. underground.....   +46 4inactive    anthrax
      hQ   sonic... dream¦phase.....   +46 612 3oo13    razid
     whQ   xtc..... citydump........   +46 435 8o354    [wezler!]
      hQ   zeus II. carnal devotion.   +46 46f indit!     ¦
        _______ _________¦   ________    ____             ¦         __
    .---\      |   _____/¦.--\   ----|--/    \--.-----____¦.-------/  |
    |    \     |  ______)-|   \___   |  \____/  |     \    |      /   |
 cRL`-----\____|----------l____------^----------^------\   |-----/____|p^d
                         ¦                              \__|
                  p  i  o¦ n  e  e  r    d  e  s  i  g  n ¦
                         ¦                                ¦
                         ¦                                ¦

                         if your soul is immortal
                      there is no need to fear death

                          / Gerald Williams 1996

mail me at: [c-real!] / pioneer design
            Vidde Reimann
            Bruksvägen 55
            S-235 92  VELLINGE

     I am very productive, so you know. But because of that, I cannot
     let a halfdone collection be left at my harddrive. So here it is;
         the last crL-production as is was when I latest left it:


         c  h  e  v  a  l  i  e  r    m  o  n  t  r  a  c  h  e  t

              ¦                       ¦
              ¦                       ¦
     have i become an addict to liquid¦contents in bottles? i guess so
    since this¦is my third collection named after a wine. actually the
   second since ther singleton of auchroisk is a whiskey. but trebbiano
   di romagna was a great collection aswell as it is a great white wine.
  so is this chevalier montrachet. the¦difference should probably be the
   price. here¦in the land of conservatism ,sweden, one must pay 656 SEK
    for a bottle of chevalier montrache. breathtaking. but the wine is
  definately worth it. so if you feel like spending a few coins at a good
wine to impress on the lady or something like that, then this is our wine.
              ¦                       ¦_     _     _     _     _
              ¦                       ¦/ crL_/ p^d_/ nds_/ elt_/
              ¦                       ¦

                                                ¦                _______ ¦
                                                ¦       _________\     / ¦
                                             ___¦_.----|  ______/ \   /__¦___
 ÷--------------------------÷               |     ¦    |   _____)-|\_/______/|
 ¦ ________ _________  _____¦        _______l_____|----^----------^----------'
.--\   ----|  ______/ .\     \___.---\___   |   ¦                        ¦
|   \__    |   _____)-| \__  ___/|   ___/   |   ¦                        ¦
l____------^----------^----\/----^---\______|   ¦                        ¦
 ¦                          ¦    _______        ¦                        ¦
 ¦                          ¦ crL\     /p^d     ¦______ ___________   ___¦
 ÷--------------------------÷    .\   /_____.---\___   |   __     /---\   \__
                                 | \_/_____/|   ___/   |    /   _/|    \     |
                                                ¦                        ¦
  p  e  t   s  e  m  a  t  a  r  y              ¦                        ¦
         ¦                _¦_____ .----------------------------------------.
     ____¦____  _____     \     / ¦   _____      ____________________      ¦
    |        /-|    /-----.\   /__¦__|    /-----|   __     /   _____/      ¦
    |   ____/  |    \/    | \_/_____/|    \/    |    /   _/|  ______)-.    ¦
 crLl_____|----^----------^----------^----------^----\____\`----------'p^d ¦
         ¦            _____¦_     `----------------------------------------'
 ________¦          __\     /     ___________   _______
|   _____/ .-------/  |\   /_____|   __     /---\___   |   __ _____
|  ______)-|      /   | \_/_____/|    /   _/|   ___/   |--/  |\    -----.___
`----------^-----/____|----------^----\____\`---\______| /   | \_______ |__/
         ¦                 ¦                      `-----/____|----------'__)-.
         ¦                 ¦                                      `----------'
         `-----------------' f u t u r e  e n t r a n c e
                      ¦              ¦
             _______ _¦______________¦___     _______ _____
         .---\      |   __     /   _____/ .---\___   |\    \____
   .-----|    \     |    /   _/|  ______)-|   ___/   | \__  ___/.-----.
   ¦  crL`-----\____|----\____\`----------^---\______|----\/----'p^d  ¦
   ¦                 _¦____        __¦____   ________ _________       ¦
   ¦      _____.----|      |---.---\___   |--\   ----|   _____/       ¦
   ¦     |     ¦    |      '   |   ___/   |   \__    |  ______)-.     ¦
                      ¦              ¦
                      ¦              ¦
                       d  r  e  a  m  p  h  a  s  e
          _____              __    _______ _________  ___________
         |    /-----.-------/  |---\      |   _____/ |   __     /
 .-------|    \/    |      /   |    \     |  ______)-|    /   _/---------.
 ¦    crL`----------^-----/____|-----\____|----------^----\____\p^d      ¦
 ¦              ___________    __     _____              __    _______   ¦
 ¦  .-----_____|   __     /---/  \---|    /-----.-------/  |---\      |  ¦
 `--|     \    |    /   _/|   \__/   |    \/    |      /   |    \     |--'
    `------\   |----\____\`----------^----------^-----/____|-----\____|
                      u  n  d  e  r  g  r  o  u  n  d
                   __¦____ ___¦__     _________    ________
               .---\___   |\     ----|   _____/ .--\   ----|
       .-------|   ___/   | \________|  ______)-|   \__    |-------.
       ¦    crL`---\______|----------^----------l____------'p^d    ¦
       ¦        _____¦        ¦___               ______            ¦
       ¦       |      |---.---\  /---.-----_____|      |---.       ¦
       `-------|      '   |    \/    |     \    |      '   |-------'
               `------'---^----------^------\   |------'---'
                     ¦        ¦              \__|
                          a  c  e  s   h  i  g  h
 _____                 .----------_________                __/\__
|    /-----._______    ¦         |   _____/       __ ___   \_00_/
|    \/    |  -----|___¦____     | _______)-.----/  |  /     \/
`----------'\___   |\  -----|    `----------'   /   | /_____ ________
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                 l____------'        ¦           `----------' ______)-.
                       ¦__/\__       ¦                  |  `----------'
                       ¦\_0o_/       ¦                  |    /   _/
                       ¦  \/         ¦     ______ _____.`----\____\
                       `-------------'  __|    __|     ¦    |
     __/\__                   ______.---\ |     /l_____|----'
     \_oo_/            _______\     |    \`-----\____\    __/\__
       \/             |  _____|\____`----------'          \_o0_/
                      | ______`----------'                  \/
                  u  s  s    e  n  t  e  r  p  r  i  c  e
                      _______             .--------------------------.
_______        ____   \     /     ______  ¦                          ¦
\      \___.---\   \__.\   /_____|      |---.                        ¦
|\__  ____/|    \     | \_/_____/|      '   |                        ¦
`---\/-----^-----\____|----------^------'---'                        ¦
   .-------.  __     _____          __    ¦              ____        ¦
   ¦     .---/  \---|     |----.---/  \---.-----_____.---\   \__.    ¦
   ¦     |   \__/   |     |    |   \__/   |     \    |    \     |    ¦
   ¦  crL`----------l_____|----^----------^------\   |-----\____|p^d ¦
   ¦       ¦                              ¦       \__|               ¦
   `-------'                              `--------------------------'
                         m  y  t  h  o  l  o  g  y
                  ¦                                 ¦  _______
            ______¦____   ____    _    ______   ____¦__\     /     _________
 _____.----|   __     /---\  /---| \  /     /---\___   |\   /_____|   _____/
|     ¦    |    /   _/|    \/    |  \/_____/|   ___/   | \_/_____/|  ______)-.
l_____|----^----\____\`----------|___\      `---\______|----------^----------'
                  ¦  __     _____         ____   ___¦____       ____
      _____.----.---/  \---|     |----.---\  /---\       ---.---\   \__.
     |     ¦    |   \__/   |     |    |    \/    |\_________|    \     |
                  ¦                                 ¦
                  p  r  i  v  a  t  e    p  o  l  i  c  y
                                                     ¦              ¦
                     _______ _________     _______   ¦_______       ¦
                 .---\      |   _____/ .---\____  |---\      |      ¦
                 |    \     |  ______)-|    ___/  |    \     |      ¦
                 `-----\____|----------^----\_____|-----\____|      ¦
      .------------.             __             __   ¦              ¡
      ¦            ¦        .---/  \---.-------/  |  ¦              ¦
      ¦            ¦        |   \__/   |      /   |  ¦              ¦
      ¦            ¦        `----------^-----/____|  `--------------'
    __¦____ _______¦______________   ____    _    ______   _______ _____
.---\___   |    __    /    __    /---\  /---| \  /     /---\___   |     |----.
|   ___/   |     /   /|     /   /|    \/    |  \/_____/|   ___/   |     |    |
`---\______|-----\___\`-----\___\`----------|___\      `---\______|_____|----'
             ¦                                          ¦
             ¦ t  h  e                      _______     ¦
             ¦                              \     /     ¦____      _________
             ¦ y  e  n  c  h                .\   /_____|     |----|   _____/
             ¦                              | \_/_____/|     '    |  ______)-.
             ¦ h  o  u  s  e                `----------^-----'----^----------'
    ____    _¦_______          __ ______     _____      ¦
.---\   \__|    ____/ .-------/  |\     ----|     |----.¦
|    \     |   _____)-|      /   | \________|     '    |¦
              ¦        _____          __     _____      ¦ ________ _________
              ¦       |     |----.---/  \---|    /-----.--\   ----|   _____/
              ¦       |     '    |   \__/   |    \/    |   \__    |  ______)-.
              ¦    crL`-----'----^----------^----------l____------^----------'
              ¦                                         ¦
                       ¦                                   ¦
_______        _______ ¦__________        __    _______ ___¦_
\      ----.---\___   |   __     /-------/  |---\___   |     |----.
|\_________|   ___/   |    /   _/|      /   |   ___/   |     |    |
                       ¦                                   ¦______ _________
                       ¦                               .---\      |   _____/
                       ¦                               |    \     |  ______)-.
                      _¦_____                          `-----\____|----------'
 __             __    \     /        ____        __        ¦    __
|  \-------.---/  \---.\   /_____.---\  /---.---/  \---.-------/  |
|   \      |   \__/   | \_/_____/|    \/    |   \__/   |      /   |
                       ¦ c  a  r  n  a  l                  ¦
                       ¦       d  e  v  o  t  i  o  n      ¦
 ___|_____  _____      _____      _____           | f   u   l   l
|        /-|    /-----|     |----|     |----.     | a   c   t   i   o  n
|     __/  |    \/    |     |    |     |    |     |
|______|---^----------|_____|----|_____|----'crL  |
    |                            _______          |
    |          _______ _______   \     /        __|_        __             __
    |      .---\___   |\      ---.\   /_____.---\  /---.---/  \---.-------/  |
    `------|   ___/   | \________| \_/_____/|    \/    |   \__/   |      /   |
                           ¦     _______                               ¦
   ________    ____      __¦_____\     /     _________  _____          ¦
.--\   ----|---\   \__.--\   ----|\   /_____|  ______/ .\    \____     ¦
|   \__    |    \     |   \__    | \_/_____/|   _____)-| \__  ___/|    ¦
|____------^-----\____|____------^----------^----------^----\/----'crL ¦
                           ¦                            ___________    ¦_
s y s t e m                ¦                 _____.----|   __     /---/  \---.
p r o t e c t i o n        ¦                |     ¦    |    /    /|   \__/   |
_______                    ¦     _______ p^d|_____|----^----\____\`----------'
\     /     _________  ____¦__   \     /        ____        __         ¦   __
.\   /_____|   _____/ .\      ---.\   /_____.---\  /---.---/  \---.-------/  |
| \_/_____/|  ______)-| \________| \_/_____/|    \/    |   \__/   |      /   |
                           ¦                                           ¦
              ¦              __ _________  ____   __¦
              ¦     .-------/  |   _____/ |    |-|   |
              ¦     |      /   |  ______)-|    | |   |
              ¦  crL`-----/____|----------l____|-`---'p^d         _______
    _______ __¦____    _______        __     _____  ¦           __\     /
.---\___   |\      ---.\      ---.---/  \---|    /-----.-------/  |\   /_____
|   ___/   | \________| \________|   \__/   |    \/    |      /   | \_/_____/.
              ¦ n  e  w    a  c  c  o  u  n  t  s   ¦
               __¦___         _______    _¦__            __
               \     \____.---\___   |---\  /---.-------/  |
               |\__  ____/|   ___/   |    \/    |      /   |
               __¦___      _________      ¦   __ _____
               \     \____|   _____/ .-------/  |    /-----.
               |\__  ____/|  ______)-|      /   |    \/    |
                 ¦                        ¦
                 `------------------------' m  a  i  n    m  e  n  u

 .__________.     .______ _________________.
 |  _______ |_____|__    Ypioneer design 96|
-|  \_______| ______/    |presents another |
 |      \     |___|      |collection by    |
 |_______\_______________|[c-rEAL!]        |
   c h e v a l i e r  m o n t r a c h e t  |
     special gueststar: gerald williams    |
-)din kuk är mycket mindre än din grannes(-|

             i got something in mind, i know it will hurt you
            i got something to remember, i know it will hurt me

                          / Gerald Williams 1996

                 if i was god, would you listen to me then

                          / Gerald Williams 1996

                  my love is hot, can you feel my desire
                 creeping inside, it's a longlasting fire
                   feelings for you and feelings for me
                         my love to you, eternally

                          / Gerald Williams 1996

                              [random order]

         pioneer ^ xtc ^ splittis ^ dixy ^ cenzor ^ linkan ^ vital
         dino ^ blockman ^ rayban ^ migrän ^ rape ^ recall ^ tommy
         arcane ^ topflight ^ everlast ^ scroud ^ razid ^ vietcong
         anthrax ^ enhaced ^ sealapex ^ laserman ^ madman ^ viking
         manta ^ booth ^ randy ^ slab ^ xcluziwe ^ riot ^ cenobite
         drakar ^ raft ^ paszczak ^ zeus ii ^ grim ripper ^ wezler
         odium ^ cereal killer ^ stimpy ^ strauss ^ juan ^ mr jets
         misfit ^ zcandaler ^ amigaspirit ^ pulse ^ lazer ^ kidnix
         bastard ^ v-cut ^ druid ^ sonic ^ trivial ^ or!on ^ fatal
         wraith ^ black mail ^ tix ^ norad ^ ghost rider ^ route66
         java ^ rooster ^ behemoth ^ sniper ^ beavis95 ^ the yench
         mr fish ^ webster ^ tango ^ legazy ^ the kestrel ^ kaneda
         zaphod ^ intruder ^ kerosene ^ wingnut ^ mahoney ^ shaman
         zamme ^ xantes ^ wozzy ^ pomac ^ hellhound ^ coca ^ flare
         boozo ^ univerz ^ yoda ^ tivo ^ baggen ^ zipworm ^ zypex

                      did i forget you? whoops......

                a l l  d e s i g n  a n d  l a y o u t  b y

                              pioneer design
                                nine design

                   a d d i t i o n a l  d e s i g n  b y

          c-real...................... tommy/epsilon design.....
          pioneer design.............. flare/pioneer design.....
          nine design................. strauss/pioneer design...
          chevalier montrachet........ fatal/epsilon design.....
          file_id.diz................. trivial/divine stylers...

                       p o e m s  t a k e n  f r o m

               'a man passed me by and ordered fish n chips'
                        written by: gerald williams

               t h e  a u t h o r  w a n t s  t o  t h a n k

                gerald williams.. for your poems...........
                the guestartists. for your work............
                sara alström..... for your beauty..........
                systembolaget.... for chevalier montrachet.

     t h e  a u t h o r  w a n t s  t o  s e n d  m e s s a g e s  t o

      flare / pioneer design.... welcome onboard my friend. let's do
                                 the scene..

       nr  name          date      name                          nr

       o1  re-asco1.txt  o7/o7/95  real mystory................  o1
       o2  re-asco2.txt  12/o7/95  real pleasure...............  o2
       o3  re-asco3.txt  22/o7/95  is this really real.........  o3
       o4  re-asco4.txt  24/o7/95  real personalities..........  o4
       o5  re-asco5.txt  31/o7/95  plainful memories vol 1.....  o5
       o6  pls-dott.txt  o3/o8/95  dotties place...............  o6
       o7  pls-hof!.txt  11/o8/95  hall of fame................  o7
       o8  p^d-sis!.txt  23/o8/95  surviving in scene..........  o8
       o9  p^d-kmw!.txt  31/o8/95  keeping my word.............  o9
       1o  p^d-jlal.txt  1o/o9/95  just like a legend..........  oa
       11  p^d-atsc.txt  1o/o9/95  and the story continues.....  ob
       12  p^d-mdm!.txt  o9/1o/95  million dollar mouth........  oc
       13  nds-diat.txt  31/1o/95  deserted islands & tequila..  od
       14  p^d-!ts!.txt  o6/11/95  the sign....................  oe
       15  nds-tmts.txt  17/11/95  t minus 12 seconds..........  of
       16  p^d-acac.txt  24/12/95  a competitive art-collection  1o
       17  p^d-jawa.txt  o5/o1/96  jamie walters...............  11
       18  p^d-mis!.txt  o7/o1/96  made in sweden..............  12
       19  elt-wtfc.txt  24/o1/96  who the fuck cares..........  13
       2o  p^d-age!.txt  24/o1/96  ascii goes elite............  14
       21  p^d-tdr!.txt  16/o2/96  trebbiano di romagna........  15
       22  p^d-aiyc.txt  16/o2/96  as if you cared.............  16
       23  p^d-tsoa.txt  o1/o3/96  the singleton of auchroisk..  17
       24  p^d-chmo.txt  2o/o3/96  chevalier montrachet........  18

               ____      ¦ __             __ _________  __¦______  ___________
 _____.----.---\  /---.---/  \---.-------/  |   _____/ |   _____/ |    __    /
|     ¦    |    \/    |   \__/   |      /   |  ______)-|  ______)-|     /  _/
          a s c i i      ¦   a n s i             g r a p h¦i c s
                         ¦                                ¦
          [c-real!]. crL ¦   zeus II..... zII    who?.. who
          strauss... st^ ¦   grim ripper. gR              ¦
          anthrax... at© ¦                                ¦
          tix....... tix ¦                                ¦
          flare..... fL  ¦                                ¦
                         ¦                                ¦
           s y s o p s   ¦                              t r a d e r s
                         ¦                                ¦
     whQ   kidnix.. underground.....   +46 4o 469286    anthrax
      hQ   sonic... dream¦phase.....   +46 612 3oo13    razid
      hQ   xtc..... citydump........   +46 435 8o354    [wezler!]
      hQ   zeus II. carnal devotion.   +46 46f indit!     ¦
        _______ _________¦   ________    ____             ¦         __
    .---\      |   _____/¦.--\   ----|--/    \--.-----____¦.-------/  |
    |    \     |  ______)-|   \___   |  \____/  |     \    |      /   |
 cRL`-----\____|----------l____------^----------^------\   |-----/____|p^d
                         ¦                              \__|
                  p  i  o¦ n  e  e  r    d  e  s  i  g  n ¦
                         ¦                                ¦
                         ¦                                ¦

              i n t e r v i e w   w i t h  [ c - r E A L ! ]

Q: we were supposed to get an interview with you just
   before the release of trebbiano di romagna but you refused. why?
A: mostly because i felt fed up with ascii at that time.
Q: you released a twin file to p^d-tdr!.txt...
A: mmm.. so i did. after that collection

            -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )-
 __/  __ __/   _ __/   _ __/   _ __/ ___ __/   _ __/   ____/   / __/   ____/
 \_   _  \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_   _  \_____  \_
  /   / ¯¯/  _/   /  _/   /   /   /  _/   /  _/   /  _/   /   / ¯¯/  _/   /
 /___     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \
 sAl1      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \
   /        \      /________\      /        \      /________\      /
  /          \                    /          \                    /
          [·-g^sTYLE!·&·tWISTED wHQ!·] [·pRO ARTS·&·rOADHOGZ eHQ!·]

         rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4OOO wITH a cYBERSTORM O6O/5O mHZ/22 mB
                  --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«--
          ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«---

 +31-(O)-548-54O-653   +31-(O)-548-521-716/521-848          +tEL-NET
   -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-           -[ 28k8 dUALS ]-       -[ 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 ]-

         [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: SABOTEUR/AFL     ]]-]--[-[[ nODE: 04 ]]-]
     [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]---[[ 18:27:52, 03-06-1996 ]]-]
                               __  ._   __
                               (__ | ) (_/__
    _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
.___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
|    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
|  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
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l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
      \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                    ·      ····
                         p  a  l  a  c  e
                        *  TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                            * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                         * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                              *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                          tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn

                          <0> +45-3961ASK RD  <0>
   ______________ ___________
  _\_           /_\_______   \ piONEER
  \     /______/ \       /    \_      dESiGN
 "i care for you all, do you care for me"

    crL in a painfull farwell to ascii
@END_FILE_ID.DIZ                                 .        .    
                              _ _|\      /|_ _ 
                              \\\_ \_/\_/ _/// 
                             _ __|_/ /\ \_|__ _
    _  ____      _______     __\ |__ /\ __| /__     _______      ____  _
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  _______________________ _ _\____)_)  (_(____/_ _ _______________________
:_\ ____________________((((_((___(      )___))_))))____________________ /_:
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¦ :                                                                      : ¦
:                   ______/            _____/                              :
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_ ø   _/   _/   /    \ /    /   /     /  /    /    \  /    ø    /    /
 //___\    \_________/______\_________\ /\_________/_/    /\_________\
 /     \_____\                     \_____\          //_____\  D!         

      CoNtRa wHq · -tW|sTeD- gHq · g^sTyLe eHq · hOnEY gHq · sAd gHq
                      EpSiLoN dEsIgN gHq · wHaLe gHq 
 sYsOp:H2o!/c!/sAd!/hNy!/g^S! - sTaFF:ExOcEt/aL!,sCaRfAcE/oS!,bLaCk pAnThEr
:                                                                          :
¦ :__            .___ .____.   _.__  .    .____._________              __: ¦
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                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]